Every Fall, the San Francisco SPCA takes part in a nationwide event that’s saved over one million lives and raises much needed funds for shelter animals across the country. It’s NBC’s “Clear the Shelters,” an annual adoption and donation initiative joined by 1,400 shelters from 49 US states and territories, including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Last year’s campaign helped 158,000 cats and dogs find their forever homes, lifting the event’s all-time adoption total to over one million.
So, why do we need to “clear the shelters?”
Since 2021, the number of animals entering U.S. shelters has outpaced those being adopted at astonishing rates. According to Shelter Animals Count, an estimated 245,000 additional dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens were in shelters during last year’s holiday season compared to the same time in 2022.
“In so many parts of the country, there are simply too many animals,” said Chief of Rescue and Welfare Anne Moellering, “and it stems from the biggest thing facing shelters right now: a crisis in access to care and a shortage of veterinarians.” Aggravating the issue further, essential spay and neuter services, along with trap/neuter/release programs for cats and kittens, were deferred during the pandemic, leading to a population explosion that shelters are still grappling with today.
Together, we can end the overpopulation crisis
Adoption is a critical part of the solution to the ongoing overpopulation crisis in U.S. shelters. As part of this year’s milestone “Clear the Shelters” campaign, the SF SPCA is offering free adoptions for cats and dogs 5 months and older from August 1 to September 15. On Saturday, September 7, we will hold a final adoption event with activities for kids, food, and waived adoption fees for all animals!
For more information about Clear the Shelters events at the SF SPCA, visit sfspca.org.
To learn more about the national campaign, visit ClearTheShelters.com and the Spanish-language site DesocuparlosAlbergues.com.