How do we know when our pets don’t feel their best? Since they can’t communicate in words, they instead express their needs in subtle ways and with a variety of physical cues. If we’re paying attention to how they act and how they look, we can often determine if they are sick or injured and then take action to alleviate their discomfort.
Of course, prevention is always key, so be sure to take your pet to the veterinarian every six to 12 months for a full check-up, especially if they are more than eight years old. Senior animals are at a higher risk for health concerns, so pay particular attention to their habits and any changes in behavior.
Below you’ll find a list of signs and what to do if your cat or dog is in need of veterinary care.
We can tell a lot about our pets from how they look. If you see any of these physical signs, contact your veterinarian for guidance.
- Unexplained weight loss or gain: This can indicate a health concern, even in cases where your pet is eating a normal amount.
- Patches of missing fur/irritated or itchy skin: If your pet is scratching or rubbing or if patches of fur are missing, it could suggest a skin allergy, a reaction to insect bites, or another skin condition.
- Runny nose or eyes: This may be a response to respiratory problems, and some eye issues can worsen quickly without treatment; pay special attention if they have any difficulty breathing, as this can be an emergency.
- Red or swollen gums: This is an indication of gum disease. Inflamed gums and bad breath, even if an animal is eating, should be taken seriously.
- Limping or stiffness: When your pet isn’t moving around well, such as being slower to lie down or get up or hesitation to jump onto or off of things, this can be a sign of pain, injury, or illness. A veterinary exam can help localize the source of the issue, and your veterinarian can help keep your pet comfortable.
Eating habits
When pets show a decreased interest in food or treats compared to normal, this can let us know that they are not feeling well. If your dog or cat refuses to eat for more than 24 hours, contact your veterinarian right away.
For dogs, coughing or hacking could be a sign of kennel cough, a common contagious condition, which usually resolves with medication, or it could be a sign of a more serious respiratory or heart issue.
Sleeping habits
Excessive lethargy or depression can be a warning sign in pets. You may see that your dog or cat is choosing to sleep instead of taking opportunities to play or eat; if this persists, get in touch with your veterinarian.
Bathroom behavior
On a typical day, your dog or cat will relieve themselves easily and comfortably in the appropriate space (a litter box for cats, outside or on a pee pad for dogs). But if your pet is having symptoms such as very dry stools, trouble passing stool or diarrhea, it may suggest that something isn’t right. If the feces is particularly dark or bloody, or if symptoms continue for more than 48 hours, it’s time to reach out to a professional.
Another indication of a possible health concern is if your pet is going to the bathroom in inappropriate locations. In some cases, this may be as a result of stress (has something changed in your pet’s environment recently?) However, it could also be a reaction to a physical ailment. When pets eliminate in inappropriate areas, it’s important to rule out a medical concern first. Once a medical cause is ruled out, your veterinarian can help trouble-shoot and find solutions to inappropriate elimination issues. Keep in mind, if your pet is drinking or urinating larger amounts than normal, this can be a sign of illness, such as diabetes or kidney disease. If any unusual elimination behavior becomes a pattern for more than 48 hours, contact your veterinarian. However, if you see that your pet is trying to relieve itself frequently but is unable to do so, this may indicate a more urgent urinary condition. If your pet is unable to pass any urine, please contact a veterinarian immediately.