San Francisco pet guardians are facing unprecedented hardships due to COVID-19, and the Latinx community in the Mission has been disproportionately affected. Mission Food Hub, a food bank located near the San Francisco SPCA, was started by The Latino Task Force to feed community members impacted by COVID-19. The food bank provides groceries to more than 5,000 families per week.
We contacted Mission Food Hub and offered to provide Purina cat and dog food to families using the food bank. Our goal is to reduce the number of San Francisco pets who become homeless or get relinquished to shelters in the coming months due to the impacts of COVID-19.
The pet food bank is off to a great start. In September, 232 households received bags of cat or dog food!
This partnership will continue through at least January 2021, and we estimate that these services will help hundreds of families in need.
We need your support to make lifesaving programs like the pet food bank a reality. If you would like to help, please donate at
It is because of your generosity that we can offer this kind of support to keep pets with their families, even in times of crisis. Thank you!