Drop It Command

Benefit Teaching your dog to drop something on command means you will be able to get dangerous or unauthorized items away from them without problems or aggression. This comes in […]

Down Command

Benefit The down command is a great way to teach your dog impulse control and to make your life easier. A dog lying down can’t jump, surf counters, knock over […]

Dog-Dog Introductions

Adding a new dog to a home with a resident dog can be great fun and offers both your family and your dog extra companionship. However, dogs need time to […]

Recommended Dog Reading

Recommended Books Decoding Your Dog, by the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists. A clear, accessible, rigorously researched book that covers a different dog care topic or dog behavior challenge in […]

Find It Command (with video)

Benefit When your dog knows “find it,” you can distract them away from or pass distractions in the environment. It’s also a great way to give your dog a mental […]

Name Recognition and Attention

Benefit Just like you would turn to look when someone says your name, dogs can learn to do the same. If your dog learns to pay attention to you when […]