Managing Your Pet’s Pain: 6 Tips

We wish our pets could tell us when they’re not feeling well or point their snout to where it hurts. But they can show us in other ways if we’re picking up on their cues! If your dog or cat begins to show behavior that’s out of the ordinary, like eating or drinking less, it could be a sign that it’s time to fetch some support.

Here’s what to look for:

  1. Changes in appetite
  2. Hiding, lethargy, or decreased human/animal interaction
  3. Unusual whining, vocalizing, or aggression
  4. Inappropriate urination or defecation
  5. Limping or abnormal walking
  6. Excessive grooming, licking, or chewing/scratching

Keeping an eye on these signs, as well as other subtle symptoms, such as panting, trembling, shaking, or general restlessness, will help you recognize when your pet is in pain. Contact your veterinarian to determine a treatment plan; they may recommend an exam or medication from our Online Pharmacy. By catching signs early, you have a better chance of helping your cat or dog get back to purr-fect health.

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