Thinking of adopting a cat? Download the SF SPCA adoption handbook to learn more.
Learn how to meet the needs of your new four-legged friend to ensure everyone’s safety, health and comfort. This guide will inform you of all the equipment and adjustments to expect with cat-ownership so that you can enjoy your new life with a loving feline companion. The following topics are covered in the Cat Adoption Handbook:
Set Up for Success
- Meeting your cat’s needs (supplies checklist)
- Setting up your home
- For a happy and healthy cat (mental and physical stimulation, environmental enrichment)
- Cat care (grooming, food and water, medical concerns, etc.)
Arriving Home with Your Cat
- The first hour
- The first few days
- The bedtime routine
Litter Box A to Z
- Litter box do’s and don’ts
- Litter box problems
- Troubleshooting litter box problems
Entertaining and Training Your Cat
- Indoor vs. outdoor
- Preventing escapes
- How to play with your cat
- Environmental enrichment
- Training your cat
- Positive reinforcement and why it works
- A word on punishment and unwanted behaviors
When Problems Arise
- Troubleshooting problem behavior (litter box issues, play aggression and overstimulation, scratching objects)
Common Misconceptions
Additional Resources