Meet Penny

Find a Penny? Pick it up, take it home, all day long you’ll have good luck! This friendly and energetic pup is ready to bring some love and maybe some extra luck into your life. We’ve worked on a lot of behaviors with her such as Sit, Touch, Down—she makes it easy as she’s eager to learn! She is also oh so affectionate, as she loves giving kisses! She just came from a home that informed us she is quite the social butterfly with people and dogs alike, but was still working on her excitement—bed time is bed time, Penny! Overall she is still a young pup looking to learn and will do well with reward-based training to transform her into the shiniest coin ever. Could this pup be your lucky Penny? Come on by our shelter and find out!

Think you and Penny might be a match, but you want to do a trial run at home first?
You can foster Penny—meaning you’ll take them home for one week with the intention of adopting them at the end of their stay. If things don’t work out, you can always bring them back to us. If you’re interested, come see us or contact us at to learn more.

Age: 1 y

Weight: 65 lbs; 11 oz

Gender: Female

Breed: Terrier

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